Preparing For A Job Interview

Giving an interview is not an easy task as it frightens the candidate and creates jitter in him.  The interview is a process that tests one’s personality, skills, talent, attitude, and ability, etc.  Succeeding in an interview is not about giving the right interview answers but is about presenting yourself in a way that conveys your thoughts clearly to the interviewer. If you have been short-listed for an interview, that means the interviewer has noticed something worthy fitting to fill up the vacant position. Your chances of success increase if you go for an interview with full preparation. Some tips are given below:

Reading Resume thoroughly: You must read your resume thoroughly as it is not just any other document but it is a means of presenting yourself in front of the interviewer.  Re-read your resume so as to be prepared with any type of explanation. You owe an explanation for each and everything which you have presented in your resume.  Never try to lie or exaggerate about your accomplishments. Remember, interviewers, are trained and experienced professionals who possess sharp eyes and are well-familiar with the intricacies of the works. They can ask any kind of questions related to your job or profile.

Preparing for expected and unexpected questions: Be prepared with the topics related to the job profile, duties, and skills. The interviewer may ask you questions regarding your previous work history.  He may put up questions such as   ‘Why are you leaving your present job’. An interviewer looks for positivism and confidence in a candidate.  So, answer everything confidently, it will create a good impression upon the employer.  You can also enquire about your job responsibilities, company’s products, various facilities provided by the company, about the prospects for the growth and advancement etc.

Dressing: Appearance and dress are crucial for making a good impression.  Be conservative, a little understated, and tidy in appearance. Your interview dress-up should create an impression in the interviewer’s mind that you fit in the job and company’s requirements. Dressing up inappropriately can certainly reduce your chances of succeeding in the interview. Ensure to keep neat and clear whatever you wear. Gorgeous dressing would not be suitable for this purpose.

Whereabouts of Interview: Be well aware of the location, scheduled time for the interview, and the name of the person interviewing you. It is better to check the location before the interview day to avoid being late. It would be in your favor to make an assessment of how much time it will take to do up and down from office to home and home to office.  Decide prior to going for an interview whether you would be able to carry on your job.

Present your potentiality: Do the research and prepare in advance but do not come across the interviewer as rehearsed. Present the real you. It is most essential to be yourself, to let the interviewer know your actual skills and potentials.  Be confident while expressing and conversing. This will help in building the interviewer’s trust in you and would help him/her to see a potential candidate for the required position.


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