Human Resource Management (Part 9)

 Rising in Ones career

We all have come across the word ‘career’ many times. Career is the sequence of occupations which we take up and which bring us salary or reward.  Career includes work, leisure activities, learning and earning.  For example, a teacher has a teaching profession which seeks for teaching aptitude and a typist has to type the various kinds of documents, a typist required to be proficient in typing work and thus it is his career.  Career enables us to earn money for carrying out worldly affairs. 


Life long process : It is a life-long process as once we decide to choose certain career then we go on working in that particular field which gradually becomes our source of earning money.  It is an ongoing process.

Career management is the development of knowledge, skill and attitude through a defined program of learning experience.  There are many factors which plays vital role in determining our career such as age, gender, time, inclination, interest, skills etc.

Job matching up to our hobbies:  Our career may be or may not be matching up to our hobbies. If it is matching up to our hobby and interest then chances are that we may rise in it rapidly.  If we are doing work in mechanical way that is too without any interest, then there may be no growth  in our career.  As we do not take interest in our work and are not able to give our output to the organization, how can we grow?  One needs to take interest in his work and never work superfluously.

Most of us make a career choice.  It is more than just choosing a job. It is about selecting something which will give one the lifestyle one seeks. Widening your options will be another formula to enhance your career.  Keep open as many options as possible in your field of interest. 

Talk with experienced person in your field: It would be in your favor to interact with people who are in your desired career.  You can ask the questions, such as have they been still enjoying working in this field?  to people who have been working in that particular field for a long time?  How can you make a work-life balance by choosing that particular area?

Dedication and hard work: One needs to be dedicated to his work.  In fact, he should be passionate about his work.  Apart from it, hard work and honesty are basic traits which are required to grow in ones career. If one performs his task diligently and honestly, one can see growth in ones career.



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