Some Interesting Facts About Chandrayaan 2

Introduction: On 12 November 2007 ISRO and Russian Federal Space Agency signed an agreement that they work together in the Chandrayaan 2 project. 

Launch: Chandrayaan-2 launch was initially scheduled for 14 July 2019. But the launch was postponed as it was relaunched on 22 July 2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre. It was India’s second mission on the moon after Chandrayaan 1.
Some interesting facts are as follows:
1. If Chandrayaan 2 will successful then India becomes the fourth country to soft-land on the lunar surface after Russia, USA, and China.
2. It will be the first to land and explore the moon's south pole. 
3. The mission cost of Chandrayaan 2 is around Rs 978 CRORE.
4. The mission is to know about the surface and sub-surface of the moon in detail and it also looks for the existence of water molecules on the surface of the moon.
5. But unfortunately, it loses contact after 48 days as NASA loses communication with it when it was just 2.1 km away from the surface of the moon.
6. Chandrayaan 2’s Vikram Lander was named after the famous scientist Vikram Sarabhai as he is regarded as the founder of the Indian Space Programme.




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